We are available to assist you by phone at 715-839-4770 or email at child.support@eauclairecounty.gov


The Eau Claire County Job Fair is located at the Eau Claire County Job Center.  Join us to start your new adventure! Whether you are looking to start or change your career, the job fair has many opportunities. Pairing with Workforce Resource, there are always different employers and multiple options available. Can’t wait to see you there!

Who: The General Public

When: The 3rd Tuesday of Every Month                                     2024: Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 19, April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, Aug. 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Dec. 17 (November excluded)

Where: Eau Claire Job Center- 22 W Madison St, Suite 140-A

Time: 1-4pm

 ***For questions or more information please call or text 715-308-1578***


 COVID-19 and Shared Custody- Public Health Considerations for Parents:


Now accepting credit card payments for Eau Claire County child support cases:

 GovPayNet - The Simple Way To Pay (govpaynow.com)


EFFECTIVE 04/01/21

Per County Code 4.30.140 Eau Claire County Child Support Agency shall charge the following fees for the below-described services for all non-IVD cases:

  1. Reconciliation of account records with certification of arrears: $25 each year certified
  2. Printed payment history: $25 per request
  3. Certified copy of payment history: $25 for each year certified
  4. Creating and sending income withholding order: $25 per order sent
  5. Crediting an account for direct payments: $25 per request

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